Friday, April 24, 2009

It's Here!!!

What began as a chance "browsing through" on the simple scrapbooks website months ago, has now turned into this!! A layout of mine was accepted and published in the final installment of the Simple Scrapbooks magazine. I still cannot believe it!
I was randomly reading through the site, clicked on the link "open calls" and read the latest postings. They had various ones, and then one about weddings. Being just married a few months, I had slowly began experimenting with a few photos and pages and had luckily had a few done. I quickly snapped a photo, uploaded and off it was sent via email to simple scrapbooks. Who knew if I would ever hear anything was just a try.
A few weeks later, a mysterious, yet familiar name popped up in my inbox requesting my layout to be used for this issue. Needless to say, I screamed...jumped around...screamed some more. I was in total shock and bliss all at the same time. That was a very cool moment for me, that I will never ever forget. I had a perma smile on my face for the rest of the night that's for sure.
This was such an important life moment for me, in so many ways. I think first and foremost, what this moment taught me was the importance of taking chances. Just letting things go, old beliefs, fears, insecurities, and just DOING IT! We all can get caught up in our fears and insecurites, "this isn't good enough" or "I will never be as good as that". We have all been there and I think it is completely natural. We are all human after all. However, we do have the choice to rise above these and take a risk. This may have been a small one, however I never in a million years thought it would turn out this way...but it had. All things are possible, if we just really believe and try. And if some of those risks do not turn out the way we had hoped, I believe that is also for good reason for their is something more to be done and learned.
For that, I am forever grateful and counting my blessings again and again.
So happy I just took a chance and "put it out there". You never know who is listening!
"She loved life and it loved her right back"
~Kobi Yamada


Crystal said...

Yay!!! That's wonderful!! You do a great job scrapbooking so I'm not surprised they would pick one of your pages but it's probably an awesome feeling to be chosen out of probably hundreds of scrappers!

mandi said...

congrats sister.....i am so happy and excited for you. I am going to go out today and buy it

Sarah said...

Congratulations! That must be an awesome feeling to see your work published!

Anonymous said...

Lindsay... I am so happy to hear that you were published in the new Simple Scrapbooks! That is awesome and you are sooooo deserving of this! I'll have to get your autograph, next time you are in the store!

I am forever loving your blog!


Kelsey said...

congratulations! Thats so cool! All of those pages are an inspiration to scrapbookers everywhere and now you are one!

Kim said...

I just saw it yesterday!!! Soooo excited for you! And it was a beautiful layout!!! Congrats!!!

Moments Photography said...

YAY!!! Awesome, AWesome!! You deserve it and so much more! Bask in it all!!

The Theroux's said...

Totally cool, that you got a layout in that magazine!! You do great work, so you deserve some recognition!! :)

About Me

My photo
Lac La Biche, Alberta, Canada
I am just a simple girl with an absolute passion for life. I love celebrating this passion through my photography, scrapbooking, relationships...whatever it may be that makes me happy! I just want to live everyday with meaning and purpose and a great sense of gratitude for everything I have been blessed to have and experience!



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