Wednesday, August 10, 2011

me right now.

Photobucket life right now. busy and full of excitement. so far, this month has started off perfectly. a relaxing long weekend, work, wedding to photograph in saskatchewan, more work, a few photo sessions and then last but certainly not least the event that is quickly approaching, creative escape. mix into that some beautiful sunshine weather, visits with friends, cozy summer nights...beautiful august. i am so excited for this month. so grateful for so many things. mostly i am grateful right now for creativity. for the love and desire i have within me to just celebrate life and embrace it. i find it so fascinating, i really do. often times i can feel kind of like an outsider. it is weird, but sometimes i guess i just feel misunderstood. like others think it is funny, or silly, or weird. or they just don't get it. sometimes this can bother me, and other times i just feel sorry for them. it is a shame that their life is just passing them by and they are not choosing to see it for what it is. i find comfort knowing that i do get it. i do see it. i don't need something tragic to happen in my life for me to gain perspective, or appreciation. i feel it everyday. and for that i am eternally grateful and celebrating what i see, feel, and do. i am so happy that i take the time to write things down. to journal, to take photographs, to document. it has forever changed me for the better and continues to do so. thinking about creative escape i am so grateful for that experience. for the people i have met, stories i have heard, inspiration that has never left me. that experience alone has been tremendously life changing...and all thanks to scrapbooking and creativity. so as i sit here in anticipation of this last year, i am finding comfort in new ideas, brainstorming projects, wondering what we are going to learn. it is so exciting for me, i am counting down the sleeps!


Alli said...

So beautifully put Linds. I love it, it is something so wonderful when you get it and can appreciate that! xoxo

Kim said...

You are beautiful Lindsay! And your blog is written with such beautiful thoughts and feelings. Hope you're having fun at CE!

About Me

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Lac La Biche, Alberta, Canada
I am just a simple girl with an absolute passion for life. I love celebrating this passion through my photography, scrapbooking, relationships...whatever it may be that makes me happy! I just want to live everyday with meaning and purpose and a great sense of gratitude for everything I have been blessed to have and experience!



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