Sunday, June 6, 2010

I Had These Moments Today

Photobucket I had these moments today of true bliss. Maybe it was the blue sky this morning, or the sounds of the birds singing. Or it could have been the light breeze that seemed to graze itself on my cheeks. It was just moments of pure gratitude, and feeling so alive, and my senses so heightened to all of these little wonders that just are...and are so meaningful to me. It was truly in these moments that I was so thankful, not just for their existence but for my open mind that allows me to see, feel and experience these everyday happenings as something more than just what they are. It was such an awesome day and it gave me the greatest emotional and spiritual energy...some that I was needing quite badly, and it seems that at the perfect moment it was delivered. Here is to an awesome and productive week ahead! It's gonna be a good one!


M Plamondon said...

It's so awesome to feel like that once in a while, to feel in the moment and take in all that is around you. That is a gorgeous photo! Hope you have a great week!

Kim said...

Beautiful photo! And when we see the sun there is nothing like the feeling of happiness that it brings!

About Me

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Lac La Biche, Alberta, Canada
I am just a simple girl with an absolute passion for life. I love celebrating this passion through my photography, scrapbooking, relationships...whatever it may be that makes me happy! I just want to live everyday with meaning and purpose and a great sense of gratitude for everything I have been blessed to have and experience!



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