Sunday, April 18, 2010

Treasured Observations

Photobucket What an awesome weekend it was! Between the weather, and a family BBQ, it truly turned out to be such a great time. Even now as I write this I am sitting out on my deck just enjoying it all...and NOT having to wear a coat. Life is awesome! Between all of the busy-ness, I was able to capture a few observations on Saturday. Just a few moments of what makes life great and what makes me feel so thankful on so many levels. Just celebrating some simple stuff, some treasured observations of yesterday. That's all. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

Love the pictures, such beautiful scenery, I bet it was nice to not have to wear a coat. Thanks for sharing.

About Me

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Lac La Biche, Alberta, Canada
I am just a simple girl with an absolute passion for life. I love celebrating this passion through my photography, scrapbooking, relationships...whatever it may be that makes me happy! I just want to live everyday with meaning and purpose and a great sense of gratitude for everything I have been blessed to have and experience!



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