Thursday, January 7, 2010

Just A Random Moment

Photobucket Just a quick random moment captured the other night. Thought it was cute, and just wanted to share. The littlest things in life are really making me the most happy these days. Kinda like it that way. Taking time to appreciate the little things. The "little wonders" of life. That's all. xo


Yvonne said...

so true, we need to stop and appreciate the little things more often, I think we would find we have pretty full lives, wink. Love the picture, so sweet and love the House of 3 goodies you used on them, you've gotten further then me, I do have them downloaded, plan on playing a little this weekend. Hope you have a fabulous weekend:)

Anonymous said...

what an AWESOME photo!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


About Me

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Lac La Biche, Alberta, Canada
I am just a simple girl with an absolute passion for life. I love celebrating this passion through my photography, scrapbooking, relationships...whatever it may be that makes me happy! I just want to live everyday with meaning and purpose and a great sense of gratitude for everything I have been blessed to have and experience!



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