Sunday, April 5, 2009

Heartwarming Hannah

On the weekend I had the most amazing opportunity to meet and hear the story of an amazing girl named Hannah Shears. Her story is incredible and it really touched all of us who were able to hear it. Of all the lessons and words of wisdom she spoke, ultimately she was reminding us all of how important it is to listen to what our hearts, and our souls...our INTUITION tell us. What our body signs speak to us, how critical it is to stop, listen and recognize. They are sending us big messages that by listening can send us one way...and by not listening in another direction.
When thinking about that though, it is so true. When something is upsetting to me, and my stomach is in knots...obviously this is a body sign telling me that where I am/what I am doing/who I am with is unhealthy for me and unless I deal with it (and fix it) it will continue to make me feel that way and could possibly manifest in illness later.
How important it is to be positive. To savor the sweet and simple moments, to ignore the negative and the unnecessary drama that ultimately just serve to poison our hearts and health. To trust and listen to our intuition. Our intuition communicates to us so many important messages, we just have to take the time and truly listen. The importance of moving forward in life, to accept and be open to change with our arms wide open. It may never be easy, but life never is. That is what is so hard about it initially, but once you are there...the results are amazing! These are some of the critical components to healing ailing health, as well as maintaining it.
It was so great and empowering to be in a room with so many like minded people. Who truly believe in these same things, who "get" it. It was really cool.
After this weekend, I just feel super blessed.
Thank you Hannah.

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About Me

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Lac La Biche, Alberta, Canada
I am just a simple girl with an absolute passion for life. I love celebrating this passion through my photography, scrapbooking, relationships...whatever it may be that makes me happy! I just want to live everyday with meaning and purpose and a great sense of gratitude for everything I have been blessed to have and experience!



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