Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Something Special

This past weekend was a great one. Matt and I went into Edmonton to begin our Christmas shopping, spend some quality time together and then I took a scrapbook class at the Urban Scrapbook. Above is a picture of the very "eclectic" album that we made in the course. It was taught by Talia and Kim, the infamous goodie box girls, and it was a beautiful project! These girls are so creative and inspiring, and I was able to have a really good visit with them. Thank you so much girls for this beautiful project and great learning opportunity! An additional bonus (and one HUGE surprise) was that Talia picked my name out of the draw for the $100 shopping spree! How exciting! I was totally shocked and extremely grateful. I ended up splurging on a Zutter Bind-it-all machine that I have been eyeing up since last year. I am really excited to begin using it, it has so many endless creative possibilities. Thank you so much Urban Scrapbook! This week, nothing much is new...still working on those thank you cards. I hope to be done soon and have them mailed out. I also got word from my photographer that my disc of pictures and photo album is ready as well, so he will be mailing that out to us too. Another great thing to look forward to!


Anonymous said...

i love it. i want to make one. we will have to have a scrapbook night SOON

Kim said...

I'm so glad you came!!! And that you won!!! So exciting :)

Anonymous said...

thats an awesome project, i have always liked talias work, i came across a few pgs a few years ago in canadian scrapbooker, noticed shes from edmonton, thats awesome that you won too!!!

About Me

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Lac La Biche, Alberta, Canada
I am just a simple girl with an absolute passion for life. I love celebrating this passion through my photography, scrapbooking, relationships...whatever it may be that makes me happy! I just want to live everyday with meaning and purpose and a great sense of gratitude for everything I have been blessed to have and experience!



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