Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Looking Ahead.

Photobucket With only a few days left of 2010, it is time to start looking ahead to a new year. Looking back on 2010, what a year. A year full of ups and downs, blessings, happy times, struggles, personal growth and MORE change, I am ready to say goodbye and look ahead to a year I believe holds nothing but possibility and opportunity. The holidays this year were amazing. It is always so incredible to surround oneself with amazing people, good food, laughter, comfort and rest. The BEST part of the holiday season. Of course I did not take as many photos as I would have liked too (again) but I guess I was just too busy enjoying the moments to worry about the photos this year! Lately there have been lots of things weighing on my mind and I am just in the midst of trying to sort some things out just in time for the new year. Things that I want to focus more on, things that I want to let go of, and others that I am determined to begin to make peace with, for once and for all. I am ready to look ahead and EMBRACE. That being, my one little word for 2011. Ali Edwards began this little "idea" a few years back and I have adopted it ever since. Having a "one little word" is such an amazing way to put a year into perspective. To set forth goals and ideas and thoughts about life. It is just a little something to carry with you as a new year begins to carry in your heart and your life and to help you make things happen and achieve what you want to. The word embrace for me is so important because of where I am right now and how important I have come to realize it is to embrace and accept life and what it hands you. To embrace and accept opens your heart and mind to even more than a person ever thought was possible. I believe it makes the difficult easier, the unimaginable more manageable and the future just a little less scary. I am ready to begin and embrace 2011.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Photobucket "Peace is not something you wish for; it is something you make, something you do, something you are, and something you give away" - Robert Fulghum Right now, at this very moment I am so grateful to feel PEACE. I came across this quote and I just fell in love with it and something I believe with all of my heart. Peace in our lives is cultivated by us, by the way we choose to feel think believe and live our lives. How we choose to interpret and perceive a situation. This all contributes to our experiences and feelings of peace. I am just feeling SO grateful for so many things. I am finding PEACE in the simple things and moments. Especially today. I had such a wonderful weekend filled with so much joy and conversation and love and all that good stuff! It was amazing and I am so grateful for that. I felt peace today when I was looking out the window watching the snow fall so lightly outside. I was cozy on the couch, with a warm blanket...a fire lit beside me in the wood stove. That was such an amazing moment of peace for me today. So awesome! I felt peace when I was washing my beautiful new fleece bedding Matt and I received as a gift. A total piece of heaven on earth. I LOVE the little things, the simple joys, the little treasures...and I LOVE that I notice them and take the time to recognize them and not let them pass me by. It makes me feel so fulfilled and full of power and energy. I am so ready for a full and busy week ahead! Christmas is quickly approaching...along with a new year. This makes me really excited! I have done a lot of thinking, hoping, wondering and praying as to what I would love this year ahead to be. It is also time to start thinking about my word for 2011. I have a few in mind, but not one that I am fully committed to just yet. In any case, I am so looking forward to the next few weeks as they are going to be so FULL of blessings, family, fun and PEACE. My wish for everyone out there is that they are able to be open to take a moment within their busy lives to think about and feel what brings them Peace. Fill your soul. Fill your heart. It truly is such a wonderful feeling.

About Me

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Lac La Biche, Alberta, Canada
I am just a simple girl with an absolute passion for life. I love celebrating this passion through my photography, scrapbooking, relationships...whatever it may be that makes me happy! I just want to live everyday with meaning and purpose and a great sense of gratitude for everything I have been blessed to have and experience!



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