Sunday, November 28, 2010

My New Love.

Photobucket So this is my new love. Like I need ANOTHER hobby, I know. However, I am truly addicted to making these fabric flowers and flower bib necklaces. Who knew a little bit of fabric, hot glue, with a touch of bling could be so fun and addicting! Some of these techniques I had learned back this August at Creative Escape, and others I have just had fun playing and experimenting. Photobucket In other news, I am still finding it so hard to believe that it is almost December 2010. Where has the year gone. It seems just like minutes ago when it was January and I was in anticipation for the new year, what was to come and what I had envisioned. This year was definitely 'different' in ways that I have yet to try to understand. It was still a year full of many blessings, but it was just somehow 'different'. Or maybe I was just in a strange place. I know I did a lot of personal learning and growth this year, and maybe that is where I am still trying to come to terms and understand some things, but it just seemed odd to me. Now...for 2011...where to begin, where to start...what to foresee. Hmmm....maybe I will just focus on tomorrow for now. That seems like a good idea! I am definitely feeling so grateful and blessed these days. Blessed and thankful for my home, a healthy family, for food in my fridge, for the change to curl up with a good book every now and then, for hot tea, for cozy blankets, for hot baths, vanilla shower gel and good magazines. Grateful for the constant inspiration life brings me daily. After a week of having the flu...GRATEFUL for finally feeling normal and on my way again. Looking forward to a positive week ahead! Photobucket

Saturday, November 13, 2010

life update.

Photobucket Photobucket where has time been going? it seems like blogging has gone on the back burner for me, and that is something i really do not like. especially since i feel it is so important to document life's details as time goes by way too fast and things seem to be changing at such a rapid rate. so let's see if i can get on here more often! i used to blog so regularly and now...not sure what it is. sometimes though, a person just needs a moment to step back and regroup, and maybe that is where i am at. who knows. or maybe i am just not in a place where i am ready. i am finding it so hard to believe that the holiday season is almost upon us, and i remember so vividly the place i was at last year, this same how things can change so quick. just when you think you are in the right place, on the right road...and then....change. this past year was definitely that for me. it was about taking risks and chances and learning that sometimes they don't always pay off. always a learning experience, but i just wish at times i did not feel like i had wasted a whole year in conflict and being unhappy. i always try to cherish each and every day...and there were a lot of days this past year where i was just simply swept up in confusion, sadness, depression, was hard. but things worked out ok in the end and more choices had to be made to get back to a place where i feel content, happy, balanced... a place that is ME. this past little while i have spent some time working and creating my creative escape 2010 scrapbook album. i am almost finished, just a few more details to include but i just LOVE how it has turned out. i used the beautiful parisian anthology portfolio binder, as well as papers, accents etc. to create my book. it was so much fun to work on it and relive all of the wonderful and amazing moments and memories that i had experienced there. that was probably one of my "healing" moments...after having such an unsettled year, being at CE was just what i needed to restore a lot of the faith and strength that i had lost and was struggling with getting back into my life. for that reason and so many others, this album will always be one of those books that tells such an amazing story and every time i will look and read it will always serve to heal my heart and inspire my soul. Photobucket

Monday, November 1, 2010

what i do.

Life Quote Pictures, Images and Photos obsessed about creating, that is truly where my mind and heart has been for the last few weeks. it's been awesome, and i was even able to get some projects done! i truly could not imagine my life without creativity. it fuels everything else i do in a is my source of energy, inspiration and drive. i cannot get enough. i have been thinking alot about fitting in, and where i feel that i do fit in. that one place i know is when i am in the creative zone, surrounded by other creative people who see the world the way i do. sometimes it can feel so isolating, in that others sometimes just do not get or understand the passion. but i guess that is ok. the ones that do understand make up for those that don't. ultimately it is about being happy, fulfilled from the inside out, and that is what creativity and living creatively does for me. it is a brand new month too....have a few things that i want to be working on, and am excited about getting into the holiday spirit and enjoying what is to come. even trying to get excited about snowfalls and cold weather...attitude is everything right?? i am really excited to just enjoy and be present in the holiday season...enjoy some baking, hot chocolate, photos, the buzz in the air. i am even trying to look forward to the shopping, which is not my favorite part of the season at all, but will try to keep it all in balance and not let that superficial part of the holiday season take away from the real magic of it all. so, looking forward to many things in the next coming weeks! also looking forward to Rhonna's 21 day challenge...hop to her blog to find out more. sounds amazing and her inspiration is enough to fill anyone's soul! i met her at creative escape and she is the cutest little thing, with the biggest spirit ever! so looking forward to her challenge and focusing my mental energy and becoming stronger, better and more present than ever! here is to a great month ahead!

About Me

My photo
Lac La Biche, Alberta, Canada
I am just a simple girl with an absolute passion for life. I love celebrating this passion through my photography, scrapbooking, relationships...whatever it may be that makes me happy! I just want to live everyday with meaning and purpose and a great sense of gratitude for everything I have been blessed to have and experience!



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