Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Looking Ahead.
With only a few days left of 2010, it is time to start looking ahead to a new year. Looking back on 2010, what a year. A year full of ups and downs, blessings, happy times, struggles, personal growth and MORE change, I am ready to say goodbye and look ahead to a year I believe holds nothing but possibility and opportunity. The holidays this year were amazing. It is always so incredible to surround oneself with amazing people, good food, laughter, comfort and rest. The BEST part of the holiday season. Of course I did not take as many photos as I would have liked too (again) but I guess I was just too busy enjoying the moments to worry about the photos this year! Lately there have been lots of things weighing on my mind and I am just in the midst of trying to sort some things out just in time for the new year. Things that I want to focus more on, things that I want to let go of, and others that I am determined to begin to make peace with, for once and for all. I am ready to look ahead and EMBRACE. That being, my one little word for 2011. Ali Edwards began this little "idea" a few years back and I have adopted it ever since. Having a "one little word" is such an amazing way to put a year into perspective. To set forth goals and ideas and thoughts about life. It is just a little something to carry with you as a new year begins to carry in your heart and your life and to help you make things happen and achieve what you want to. The word embrace for me is so important because of where I am right now and how important I have come to realize it is to embrace and accept life and what it hands you. To embrace and accept opens your heart and mind to even more than a person ever thought was possible. I believe it makes the difficult easier, the unimaginable more manageable and the future just a little less scary. I am ready to begin and embrace 2011.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
"Peace is not something you wish for; it is something you make, something you do, something you are, and something you give away" - Robert Fulghum
Right now, at this very moment I am so grateful to feel PEACE. I came across this quote and I just fell in love with it and something I believe with all of my heart. Peace in our lives is cultivated by us, by the way we choose to feel think believe and live our lives. How we choose to interpret and perceive a situation. This all contributes to our experiences and feelings of peace. I am just feeling SO grateful for so many things. I am finding PEACE in the simple things and moments. Especially today. I had such a wonderful weekend filled with so much joy and conversation and love and all that good stuff! It was amazing and I am so grateful for that. I felt peace today when I was looking out the window watching the snow fall so lightly outside. I was cozy on the couch, with a warm blanket...a fire lit beside me in the wood stove. That was such an amazing moment of peace for me today. So awesome! I felt peace when I was washing my beautiful new fleece bedding Matt and I received as a gift. A total piece of heaven on earth. I LOVE the little things, the simple joys, the little treasures...and I LOVE that I notice them and take the time to recognize them and not let them pass me by. It makes me feel so fulfilled and full of power and energy. I am so ready for a full and busy week ahead! Christmas is quickly approaching...along with a new year. This makes me really excited! I have done a lot of thinking, hoping, wondering and praying as to what I would love this year ahead to be. It is also time to start thinking about my word for 2011. I have a few in mind, but not one that I am fully committed to just yet. In any case, I am so looking forward to the next few weeks as they are going to be so FULL of blessings, family, fun and PEACE. My wish for everyone out there is that they are able to be open to take a moment within their busy lives to think about and feel what brings them Peace. Fill your soul. Fill your heart. It truly is such a wonderful feeling.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
My New Love.
So this is my new love. Like I need ANOTHER hobby, I know. However, I am truly addicted to making these fabric flowers and flower bib necklaces. Who knew a little bit of fabric, hot glue, with a touch of bling could be so fun and addicting! Some of these techniques I had learned back this August at Creative Escape, and others I have just had fun playing and experimenting.
In other news, I am still finding it so hard to believe that it is almost December 2010. Where has the year gone. It seems just like minutes ago when it was January and I was in anticipation for the new year, what was to come and what I had envisioned. This year was definitely 'different' in ways that I have yet to try to understand. It was still a year full of many blessings, but it was just somehow 'different'. Or maybe I was just in a strange place. I know I did a lot of personal learning and growth this year, and maybe that is where I am still trying to come to terms and understand some things, but it just seemed odd to me. Now...for 2011...where to begin, where to start...what to foresee. Hmmm....maybe I will just focus on tomorrow for now. That seems like a good idea! I am definitely feeling so grateful and blessed these days. Blessed and thankful for my home, a healthy family, for food in my fridge, for the change to curl up with a good book every now and then, for hot tea, for cozy blankets, for hot baths, vanilla shower gel and good magazines. Grateful for the constant inspiration life brings me daily. After a week of having the flu...GRATEFUL for finally feeling normal and on my way again. Looking forward to a positive week ahead!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
life update.
where has time been going? it seems like blogging has gone on the back burner for me, and that is something i really do not like. especially since i feel it is so important to document life's details as time goes by way too fast and things seem to be changing at such a rapid rate. so let's see if i can get on here more often! i used to blog so regularly and now...not sure what it is. sometimes though, a person just needs a moment to step back and regroup, and maybe that is where i am at. who knows. or maybe i am just not in a place where i am ready. i am finding it so hard to believe that the holiday season is almost upon us, and i remember so vividly the place i was at last year, this same how things can change so quick. just when you think you are in the right place, on the right road...and then....change. this past year was definitely that for me. it was about taking risks and chances and learning that sometimes they don't always pay off. always a learning experience, but i just wish at times i did not feel like i had wasted a whole year in conflict and being unhappy. i always try to cherish each and every day...and there were a lot of days this past year where i was just simply swept up in confusion, sadness, depression, was hard. but things worked out ok in the end and more choices had to be made to get back to a place where i feel content, happy, balanced... a place that is ME.
this past little while i have spent some time working and creating my creative escape 2010 scrapbook album. i am almost finished, just a few more details to include but i just LOVE how it has turned out. i used the beautiful parisian anthology portfolio binder, as well as papers, accents etc. to create my book. it was so much fun to work on it and relive all of the wonderful and amazing moments and memories that i had experienced there. that was probably one of my "healing" moments...after having such an unsettled year, being at CE was just what i needed to restore a lot of the faith and strength that i had lost and was struggling with getting back into my life. for that reason and so many others, this album will always be one of those books that tells such an amazing story and every time i will look and read it will always serve to heal my heart and inspire my soul.
Monday, November 1, 2010
what i do.
obsessed about creating, that is truly where my mind and heart has been for the last few weeks. it's been awesome, and i was even able to get some projects done! i truly could not imagine my life without creativity. it fuels everything else i do in a is my source of energy, inspiration and drive. i cannot get enough. i have been thinking alot about fitting in, and where i feel that i do fit in. that one place i know is when i am in the creative zone, surrounded by other creative people who see the world the way i do. sometimes it can feel so isolating, in that others sometimes just do not get or understand the passion. but i guess that is ok. the ones that do understand make up for those that don't. ultimately it is about being happy, fulfilled from the inside out, and that is what creativity and living creatively does for me. it is a brand new month too....have a few things that i want to be working on, and am excited about getting into the holiday spirit and enjoying what is to come. even trying to get excited about snowfalls and cold weather...attitude is everything right?? i am really excited to just enjoy and be present in the holiday season...enjoy some baking, hot chocolate, photos, the buzz in the air. i am even trying to look forward to the shopping, which is not my favorite part of the season at all, but will try to keep it all in balance and not let that superficial part of the holiday season take away from the real magic of it all. so, looking forward to many things in the next coming weeks! also looking forward to Rhonna's 21 day challenge...hop to her blog to find out more. sounds amazing and her inspiration is enough to fill anyone's soul! i met her at creative escape and she is the cutest little thing, with the biggest spirit ever! so looking forward to her challenge and focusing my mental energy and becoming stronger, better and more present than ever! here is to a great month ahead!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Wow, October...really? Has it been this long since I last posted. Crazy. Sometimes it seems that in life we are just so busy going through the motions that I just tend to lose track of time, at times. This would count as one of those times. So lately...what have I been up to? Well, between the obvious responsibilities of work and home I have been LOVING a few things right now full out. I am loving my new ROCKS. I don't know what I love more about it...the fact that it is so pretty, and powerful, and full of SO MUCH potential. OR that at one point it seemed unattainable, and now...I worked so hard and it is in my hands. It was only just a few short months back when I put it out there that my goal was to one day have this camera in my hands...and now I do. Goal setting can be so powerful sometimes. The whole notion of manifesting takes my breath away at how powerful it truly can be when we believe and LET it. So cool. Lately, another thing I am loving is Flow Yoga. It is just something that I have really begun to connect with and has become my favorite way to spend a Tuesday night. Breathing is powerful. It makes me feel powerful, refreshed, focused, and calm. It clears my mind and fills me up with such great energy. Something I so need at times, because often my mind is continuously racing with ideas non it is nice to just be in a place where I am able to "shut it off". Lately I have been able to reconnect with my scrapbooking space and projects. It truly is my sanctuary and I am working on some really beautiful albums. Still finishing up projects from creative escape, working on some new ones and dreaming up others. I LOVE it. Lately, just trying to stay in a good place. Taking my vitamins, drinking water, reading and walking. Lately it's been working for me.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Has it really been this long since I have blogged? Time has truly gotten away from me this time. I truly have been really busy...but it has been so good, so fulfilling, so heartwarming...that I feel so blessed to be able to be enjoying this time, right now to fill me up with everything that energizes me in such a positive way. I used to have bouts where I would feel so tired, I would walk around with such heavy shoulders and a heavy head...and now, I honestly feel like the energizer bunny...I could just go-go-go! Do you ever go through life and have a feeling that you just want to hang out to with all your might so that it will never ever slip through your fingers? Well...if you have, then you know EXACTLY what I am talking about. Right now, that is how I am feeling. I pray that I can hang on to this feeling for a VERY long time.
I have been spending time immersing myself in things that I LOVE. I have come to the realization that it is the things that a person loves, that fills you up with POWER. I had spent the past weekend in Edmonton and had quickly grabbed a copy of the new Oprah magazine to read before bed. I usually do not buy Oprah magazine, as I was looking for a different one instead, but the headline on the cover totally caught my eye. It read "Own Your Power". Now, being in this space that I have been so blessed to be in for the past little bit I just had to check it out and see what it was all about. Let me just say that it is an amazing article and is filled with a variety of creators, artists and designers insights and personal thoughts on what power means to them. I just LOVED reading it and was left completely inspired by it. I started thinking about what the topic meant to me and different things that I believe in and have struggled with. Each individual was given 3 prompts to finish off and it led me to thinking about what each of these prompts meant to me and in how they apply to my life, my thinking, my passions...
PEOPLE OFTEN UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER creatively. When I began to open my heart and mind to truly celebrating, documenting, and capturing all of the little wonders that fascinate me through photography and scrapbooking it has truly transformed my entire being. I live to appreciate the little moments, and strive to truly be present in whatever comes my way...big or small. Living creatively has only increased my sense of gratitude for the genuine pleasures and luxuries that I am able to participate in, in my life...this includes the little moments like being able to have a hot cup of tea, fold freshly washed towels, and watching the leaves blow in the breeze. Living creatively is very powerful to me...the power of this fuels my entire being through my thoughts, my actions and how I choose to live each and every day.
I FEEL MOST POWERFUL WHEN...I can look back on certain situations, projects, and experiences and know deep down in my heart that I truly savored each and every second and consciously never took a moment of it for granted.
A TRUE SIGN OF POWER IS...choosing YOUR path in life, empowering your own decisions and living an honest and true life. This is a struggle as we live in a world surrounded by influence that can sometimes work to back us into a corner. I believe power is demonstrated when you can rise above this, accept that others may have different dreams, wishes, and opinions on things but know that in your heart YOU have your own life to live and it is OK to do just that.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Magic for the Soul
During the first week of September, Matt and I were able to take some long awaited time off together and headed off into BC. We really had no plans, no destination...we just jumped in the jeep and drove, which was awesome. The only place we needed to be was Emerald Lake on September 10th to witness 2 of our very dearest friends exchange vows.
The month of September, since we were married 2 years ago has always been a very special time of the year for both of us. It has always been my favorite time of the year, as i ADORE fall, so being married during the month of September was an extra special treat. I think that is also why we love to wait and take our holidays during this month...kind of just a nice time to take off and reconnect after busy summers!
During our time away, we spent a lot of time just "enjoying". By this I mean enjoying our surroundings, embracing the moments and just feeling so thankful of where we were and that for this short time we could just sit back, relax and enjoy this beautiful planet! The weather was a bit on the cool side, but that actually made for some enjoyable hiking, which we tried to do a bit of everyday. I just love the mountains and the cool crisp mountain air. It was gorgeous, and an added bonus that there was physical exercise involved! haha! Among my favorite memories from the trip was the quality time spent with friends in Calgary on Saturday and Sunday night. Seeing Waterton for the first time and enjoying a fancy meal with my hubby...I really loved that! I enjoyed hiking the Red Canyon and eating breakfast was just SO nice. Then of course, we made our way and spent a few nights in Radium...did a bit more hiking and then ventured off to Emerald Lake. Wow! That place is truly incredible and the perfect ending to our holiday. More time with friends...nothing could be better. It truly was amazing.
So right now I have just been trying to get life back in order after being away...the month of August I was barely home and so there has been a lot of catch up going on. I have piles of scrapbooking projects to either finish and/or begin so with this weather changing so quickly it might just be the perfect time for some indoor activities! In any case, there is definitely no time for being bored!
Matt is away on an Elk hunting trip until Wednesday so there are a few more days ahead that I can take advantage of to get some things ready and organized. It sounds like he is having a great trip, even though apparently Elk are incredibly smart and intuitive which makes hunting them quite the challenge. I am so happy that he is taking the time to do something he truly loves. It does wonders for a person's soul...truly. I am still in such a great place from our holidays and Creative Escape...yes STILL. It was just so reaffirming in so many ways. Truly spending time doing what you LOVE = MAGIC for the SOUL.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
My Reflections-Creative Escape 2010
Reflecting on my Creative Escape experience. Wow. How do I even begin to put it into words? Incredible. Uplifting. Inspiring. Energizing. Humbling....the list goes on and on. First off...this year had HUGE shoes to fill. My experience last year was so unbelievably amazing, that I honestly did not know how this year was going to be. Honestly though, the first 5 seconds of my experience blew last year out of the water...and last year was beyond incredible. So can you just imagine how I must have felt??? It literally brings tears to my eyes in how powerful of an experience we can have in this life. And's not even about the scrapbooking. It's about the connections...the coming together, the power of friendships, insight, creativity and vision. The love of celebrating life and moments and random everyday miracles that we SEE and TREASURE everyday. That is what we do as scrapbookers and it is just so cool to be with so many other people who not only live their dreams, but love something just as much as you do...and ultimately GET IT. Reflecting on this whole experience, and being so lucky to have experienced it more than once leaves me in such a blessed state. I feel so so so lucky about many things in my life...and attending creative escape and witnessing just how elaborate and detailed and special of an event it is, takes my breath away and leaves me floating on cloud nine. It has been a week since the event...and today still...I am floating!!! :)
This year I had my mom come with me and enjoy the resort while I was at CE. We had such a fun "girls time" together...even though once CE started I barely saw her for the 3 days it was going on! Seriously...up at 5:30 am and in bed at 1:00 am. Truly so intense but the energy I had over these days was amazing. One thing I definitely realized is how easy things are when you are LOVING what you are doing! During our down times though we enjoyed the restaurants, the scenery, the beautiful resort, the HOT weather, the neighboring hotel...truly just awesome! It was nice too to just have some time with my mom to myself. Life can be so busy that it is just a nice change to have nothing but time to hang out, be and enjoy life without any of the other daily distractions.
This photo above documents and signifies all of the amazing details that go into expressing what this event is all about. The signature colors, the lollies, the balloons, the ribbons, the designer mirrors, the FOOD, just so simply incredible. Friday night we were spoiled with gift bags in our rooms full of creative escape goodies, just waiting for us by our cute is that?? Perfectly hand tied with ribbon awaited gifts of bazzill cardstock, glimmer mist, brownies, a beautiful charm bracelet in the signature CE colors, magazines...SO MUCH FUN! Truly perfect...down to the very last detail for sure.
Now...on to the TEACHERS. Honestly I am at a loss for words to describe how unbelievably amazing and beautiful these ladies are. Truly SO talented, gifted and brilliant in their visions and love for scrapbooking and documenting life. One thing that definitely surpassed last year was all of the different techniques that I had learned this year. The projects were all so intense, that I actually never really finished any of them yet (will post pics of the projects when I do). I had so much fun learning about paints, textures, fabrics, digital brushes, creating jewelery...I have never learned so many amazing techniques in two days in my life! The whole atmosphere of CE 2010 was very artsy and had expanded even more what I knew the scrapbooking world to be. All I can say is "uh-oh".....
The teachers shared so many of their amazing gifts and I am so lucky to have been able to get to know so many of them while I was there and actually be able to have some really awesome conversations and just hang out! Heidi was incredible as always...and I even got to hug her goodbye and personally thank her on Sunday morning which was such a special treat! One of my favorite moments for sure! Teresa Collins was so cool...her project was loads of fun and I really enjoyed her personal touch and message at the end of her class when she shared a family photo slideshow...and yes, she made me cry. Trisha Ladouceur had an incredible class and project full of glimmer misting, fun fabrics and awesome details. Still have to finish that one, but it was definitely a highlight to be taught by a local Canadian girl (from Edmonton) and we even shared the same flight home!! Too fun! Margie Romney Aslett was SO FUN!!! Her spirit is like non other and thanks to her I am officially addicted to creating and making my own jewelry. Her project was so awesome and beautiful and I cannot wait to finish it. I learned so much from her and I just loved her to pieces!! Now Miss Jessica Sprague. To be honest, I was not sure what her class was going to be like. She is a digital genious and sometimes quite frankly I can be a little unsure as to the digital world. HOWEVER...she was SO INSPIRING, SO BEAUTIFUL, her whole message in her class gave me chills...and yes, I cried again. I LOVED her project, the idea behind it and will now emulate it over and over. I just so love this girl!!! She taught me so many things and it was such an extra special treat to sit in her extra class Friday night and learn even more digi goodness! Claudine Hellmuth will forever be remembered as the spunky girl who introduced me to paints and their power! Her canvas class was full of fun paints, techniques and NEW ways to use sticky back canvas paper...SO awesome!! Loved it! Pam Black's class was a beautiful little desk album. I loved her trunk show table too. Such a fun lady. LOVE her creative outlook! Last but not least was my favorite...Maggie Holmes! Not only is she an amazing scrapbooker...but a FABULOUS photographer who has always inspired me. Her class was a mini album, but she spent the majority of her time sharing her favorite photos with us as well as some fabulous photography ideas and tips!! I just LOVED her and literally hung on her every word. She is so beautiful inside and out and I really felt like we connected and share a lot of the same ideas and insights when it comes to photography! It was so cool to meet someone who inspires me endlessly! And meeting Miss Rhonna Farrer! She is one little spark of energy through and through! The cutest gal ever! She was hilarious and so energizing. I loved her so much. We had such a nice chat and thank you for teaching me many house of three tidbits and extra insights!! You are such a gifted designer! To all these women...thank you for sharing your gifts! xo
To the beautiful and amazing girls that I met this year at CE. Your friendships I will treasure forever. We had such an incredible time together and we are forever bonded by the time that we shared together this year. I feel so lucky to have met all of you and will never forget all of the shared laughs and tears we had together. You are all so beautiful and never ever stop letting your creative lights shine!
Before we left Arizona mom and I had the lucky chance to spend a few hours Sunday shopping around before catching our flight home. It was the perfect day to end such an amazing experience! We enjoyed Target, Barnes and Noble, Pier One, a tasty mexican was truly a fabulous day!
Reflecting on my experience this year at creative escape simply makes me feel happy and blessed. Happy to love life, photography, people and color. Happy to be able to recognize all of the little miracles and fleeting moments that pass us by daily. Happy that I LIVE to celebrate them.
How many days left until next year CE??? The countdown is ON!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Counting Down...
To the most amazing event ever...Creative Escape. I had the incredible opportunity to attend this event for the first time last year, and it truly was one of those "once in a lifetime" moments. Nothing can describe the feelings I experienced both both before, during AND after it was all said and done. I actually never really thought I would ever have the opportunity to attend this event again...however this year it all worked out and in just about two weeks I will be flying to the hot deserts of Arizona to participate in some of the most amazing classes with the industry's creme de la creme! I am so excited in so many ways, and I think just knowing how incredible this event is...and how much detail and prep goes in to making it one of those experiences where you truly walk away from it feeling like you can conquer the world......I cannot even contain my excitement right now. I think one of the things that excites me too is just thinking how much I have grown since last year as an individual, and CE had alot to do with that. I remember feeling so much more aware and in tune to my heart, my passions, and what I LOVE. Going to CE only reaffirmed what I sort of already knew and kept hidden within...but now, I am sort of in this place where I am really wanting to move forward with dreams that I have...and that have alot to do with what I love. It is truly exciting! I am so ready for the energy, the laughter, the shared passions, the joy, the excitement and the's gonna be simply amazing!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
An Afternoon Tea Party
Another incredible weekend has come and gone. This time, it was to celebrate one of my best friends as she will be getting married to the man of her dreams in early September. It was the perfect afternoon as family and friends gathered to celebrate her! Considering for the past 8 years or so she has made Europe her home, with most of her time spent in England, we found it most fitting to celebrate this time with an afternoon "Mad Hatter's" tea party!
Everyone who attended was to bring and wear a sun hat in honor of her, the tea party, and the celebration! The details were awesome, from mismatched china tea sets,to tea pots, scones with jam and all the truly was an authentic garden Mad Hatter's tea party. Shyla, I hope it was everything and more you had imagined for your bridal shower! Of course, knowing us girlies, an afternoon tea party ends up being an all night dance till your feet bleed kind of night...which was exactly how our night ended up unfolding in the end. A bride-to-be always has to have that one last "night on the town" with her girls, and we definitely had that! So much fun, so many laughs, there truly is nothing like times spent like these. I love my girls so much! Cannot wait to celebrate with you all again in September! xoxo
Sunday, July 18, 2010
There is nothing like having "one of those days". And today was "one of those days..." but all in a GOOD and PERFECT way. I think one of the things that makes photography so special for me is that I kind of get to be that little "fly on the wall" that allows me to spend quality time with amazing people who let me in to their world and their story. I think it is even more special when those people are family already and they choose me to record their treasured moments. A special thank you to my beautiful cousin and her husband who are expecting their first child in early September. I could not have thought of a better way to spend my Sunday than with you guys, catching up and recording moments. I hope you love them, there are many many more! Love you guys!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Angel on Earth
It is amazing how time passes by so quickly, and in an instance life can change forever. It seems like only yesterday when I was taking this beautiful couples maternity photos, and now, that little miracle that they were anxiously anticipating the arrival of is here on earth, safe and sound. Here are a few moments I was able to capture of the beautiful new family. I hope you love them as I do. She is incredibly beautiful. A huge congratulations to you both!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Where Will I Be in 10 Years??? has been awhile since I have posted really anything other than photography. So much has been going on lately between work, life, family, photos etc. that I kind of lost track of time somewhere along the line. Speaking of busy and having things going 10 year high school reunion was this past weekend. Seriously??? Where will I be in 10 years...that simple thought, that I really remember wondering about on the day of our high school grad, and that we had often joked about together...hard to believe that 10 years is NOW! Long ago were the days of no responsibility, endless time with friends, no bills, only homework and social lives to look How far away have those days gone. This past weekend was our high school reunion for the class of 2000. It was such a great time. The weekend pretty much started on July 1st, Canada day. My best friends little guy turned one years old, so we celebrated his birthday with the perfect party on the most awesome day. The weather was gorgeous and it was such a nice day to relax and catch up with everyone. It was such a great birthday party! So much fun. On Friday Matt and I had a BBQ so we were able to catch up even more with one another. So many laughs...that is pretty much how I could sum up the night. Laugh laugh laugh. It felt so good to just be back together with friends who are so real, honest and always there no matter what. It is so awesome to know that no matter what the distance, or how long ago it was since we had last talked, we can always just catch up like it was yesterday. Which maybe why it is so surreal that 10 years has passed since our graduation from high school. We have all accomplished so much since those days and I am so proud of everyone. Whether it be career achievements, family achievements, or personal achievements, we have all grown in so many ways. It has not always been easy and we have definitley had our share of difficult moments, but for the most part I think we are all doing awesome for ourselves. I also have to say that I have always felt so blessed to know and share friendships with such awesome girls. They truly are such amazing women and NO MATTER WHAT...we all just get each other and love each other unconditionally. We have the best times together, so many laughs and such a rich history with one another that our friendships are truly irreplaceable. I love you girls! To be honest, I am still trying to wrap my head around that we had just celebrated our 10 year, but am very excited at the same time. The past 10 years have been such a time of change, growth and anticipation as we all begin this next phase of our "grown-up" is to the next 10! It is scary to think that that time will be here before we know it too...hmmm....where will we all be then???
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About Me
- Lindsay Bateman
- Lac La Biche, Alberta, Canada
- I am just a simple girl with an absolute passion for life. I love celebrating this passion through my photography, scrapbooking, relationships...whatever it may be that makes me happy! I just want to live everyday with meaning and purpose and a great sense of gratitude for everything I have been blessed to have and experience!